Monday, November 28, 2011

Dear Blank

So this has been going around facebook and I rather liked it. So I figured I'd do a longer version of it on my blog. =) Yay!! So here goes:

Dear Ex-Boyfriend: 
     Thank you for making me realize how much I'm actually worth. Thanks for being with me those few months. And thank you for not leading me on. Thank you for treating me right and not doing stuff behind my back. Thank you for respecting me and helping me to grow as a person. I know I wanted to be friends (you are rather cool), but I see that that isn't going to happen. So good luck in life. I hope you find happiness. 

Dear Girl I Hate:
     I'm sorry that you're insecure. And I really have nothing to say to you. I don't like the way you act. But you probably don't like the way I act. Why would I try to deface you publicly instead of either 1) ignoring you or 2) privately settling our differences? I won't do that to you or to me. I hope you find happiness.

Dear Best Friend:
     I love you =) I haven't known you for a long time but we've gotten along since we first met. I'm grateful to Cedric for introducing us. (I think you would've been too shy to actually talk to me first. Even if you did think I had cool hair and lipstick.) I mean, you are the sexiest person I know. And you can make me smile and laugh through tears. You tell me everything and I tell you everything. I hope you find happiness.
Dear Ex-Best Friend:
     I'm sorry we grew apart. You were my best friend for years and we told each other everything. I miss that. You have changed. I'm just sorry to see it happen. I hope we can be friends in the future. I hope you find happiness.

Dear Boy I Like:
     You are my best friend.
I'm grateful to Cedric for introducing us. (I think you would've been too shy to actually talk to me first. Even if you did think I had cool hair and lipstick.) I love you. I love how you can make me smile and laugh. I love your smile and your laugh. I love all the time we spend together. I hope to stay with you for a long time. I hope we can be friends after we split apart. But, most of all, I hope you find happiness. 

Dear Hero:
     You've brought me so much happiness. You've brought millions of people happiness. You are a beautiful person, inside and out. You are at peace now. I only hope that you had and found happiness.

Dear Old Me:
     I'm still young so I can't give you much advice. Give math a chance. It's amazing. Let the boy go. You'll find others that will be much healthier for you. Stop trying to be something you're not just so that the boys will like you. The true ones will like you, flirt or not. Let the fake friends go and don't fight about it. Rumors are easy to spread but hard to get back. And they hurt. Remember that. Bug is amazing. He's such a happy little guy. He'll be there for you and help you through without judgement. Don't worry, you will find happiness.

Dear Future Me:
     Don't ever change. Don't forget your dreams. People will come and go. People will change. The only ones that matter are the ones that you still have in the future. High school sucks. I hope the future is better. I hope you always know how to make the best of a situation. "Hold fast to dreams. For, if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly." Langston Hughes. I hope you have found happiness.

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