Sunday, September 4, 2011

Adventures in Babysitting

Last night, I got to baby sit my cousin, Bug. My parents went out on date night. His parents went to a festival of some sort and took my brother. So it was just Bug and I. He is such a good baby!! He fell asleep before everyone left and slept for about an hour. He woke up and the only reason I knew he was awake is because I heard little hands scratching on the cradle bars. For the three hours I had him, he didn't fuss at all! (Well, a teensy bit because he was hungry and I wasn't putting him in the high chair fast enough. But a little whimpering, I can deal with.) Then we had the FUNNIEST episode with feeding. He was sitting in his high chair and the jar of baby food (peach. He rather enjoyed it.) was sitting on the tray in front of him. Apparently I wasn't going fast enough and, when I turned my head for two seconds, he grabbed the jar! It was so cute! He was tilting it on its side and just eating right out of it. By the end, he and I were both COVERED in peaches. Haha xD then we went and played on the floor and read some. He loves to read "Where the Wild Things Are" so we read that one twice. Throughout the course of the night, I think we visited our fish tank at least ten times. He was fascinated by that thing! It was so cute.
Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel.

Where the Wild Things Are. It was so cute. He rolled over and laid his head on my leg when I began to read it to him. =)

Some more reading. Such a sleepy baby. His mama came to get him shortly after.

The fish tank. He was so excited and kept hitting the glass.

More fish tank. I thought this picture was super cute.

*sniff sniff* He's old enough to hold his own bottle. Well, mostly. I still had to hold it up with one hand but he had it from there.

The Peaches episode.

Swimmy, swimmy, swimmy. Tummy time!! He liked the Snuffy toy I bought him xD

Sleepy baby. Woot! Score one for the baby sitter!!

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